BlogTechnicalElementor for Drupal Release and Why It’s Important

Elementor for Drupal Release and Why It’s Important

Content management systems (CMS) have transformed the internet, enabling users to create and manage their own digital content. Platforms like Drupal (launched in 2000) and WordPress (launched in 2003) made it possible for individuals, small businesses, and enterprises to build dynamic websites. As the demand for flexible design tools grows, solutions like Elementor for Drupal are gaining attention, offering users greater control over website customization and user experience.

Website with a Competitive Edge

What makes one website stand-out from another is not only the content but its design and the layers of security. Although easy to use and packaged with its own page builder, WordPress plug-ins are vulnerable to hackers.

Drupal, on the other hand, requires more technical savvy. It also comes with beefier security features. But up until Elementor for Drupal’s release, Drupal’s design elements had been lacking. And although Elementor was created for WordPress, it’s available now for Drupal page builders gives it a competitive edge.

What Is Elementor

Elementor is a free and open source page builder plug-in for WordPress. It can be used for creating, designing, and updating content management system websites. Although thanks to the company Linnovate, Elementor has been ported over for use on Drupal with the exact same tools. Elementor comes with many features, including widgets, powerful design templates, mobile editing ability, and a history of design updates, and that’s just to mention a few.

What makes the Elementor plug-in unique is its drag and drop interface, which allows for quick design of new pages, and with the use of Elementor Pro (an additional plug-in), it is possible to update live web pages. This plug-in favors developers and professional web designers. And as mentioned previously, because Elementor is open source, it is adaptable to suit specific needs.

Elementor Makes Drupal Even Better

With Elementor plug-in installed, an even stronger case can be made to switch from WordPress to Drupal, especially if you are a web professional or blogger who works at the enterprise level. Here are just a few reasons why Elementor for Drupal is significant and make a strong content management system even better:

  • Drupal is better on mobile devices: it offers better content fields on each page.
  • While it doesn’t offer a native app like WordPress, Drupal does have easy administration and is responsive.
  • It’s great for use with web apps or where user permissions are important.
  • There are platform specific applications, such as Acquia and Pantheon, that help with managing security risks.
  • You can manage image sizes within the admin console.
  • And most importantly, if you are a blogger and have the Elementor for Drupal plug-in installed, you can manually control fonts, color, background colors, graphics, and pick from over 53 widgets, all elements which will make your blog more attractive to a visitor.
  • Elementor is easy to obtain and the UI is intuitive. Instead of going through several areas to choose the style on a website, Elementor puts it all right there in front of you with drag and drop. Best of all, a developer doesn’t have to be involved. In fact, not one line of code needs written.

How to Get Elementor for Drupal

Elementor for Drupal is available now and is a free download from, click here to give it a try. Installation instructions for the plug-in are also on the site. You’ll need to have Drupal 8 installed. Watch a demo of Elementor for Drupal by clicking on this link.


The fact that blogged content and a sturdy content management system are important for websites is an understatement. Websites for the BBC, NBC, Amnesty International, and even the Whitehouse count on Drupal, for instance, not only as good place to deliver its content but also security against hacking. These businesses also count on Drupal to deliver a responsive design and tools like Elementor now make that easier.