Why You Should Disable xmlrpc.php
If you’re running a WordPress website, you’ve likely come across a file named xmlrpc.php in your WordPress root directory. But […]
Expression Engine: An Overview of a Developer-Friendly CMS
After the arrival of WordPress in 2003, an abundance of CMS systems appeared on the scene. One of those was […]
CraftCMS: Rising Star of the CMS World
As of early 2019, 32% of the internet is running on WordPress built sites. But while WordPress built its success […]
Elementor for Drupal Release and Why It’s Important
Software for content management systems (cms) helped to change the ever-evolving landscape of the internet. Instead of the internet being […]
Why Choose Paid Business Email Service Over Free Email Client
Email communication in both B2B and B2C markets is crucial, hence the need for a reliable and secure business email service provider. […]
Chrome 66 To Distrust Symantec SSLs, Secure A New Certificate
When Chrome 66 is released, it will invalidate Symantec-issued SSL certificates – but we have a plan. According to the recent […]
Three alternatives to WordPress: Ghost, October CMS and Craft CMS
Although WordPress is the most popular, easy-to-use, and free platform, there are other CMS-based programs that can also have a good run […]
What is HSTS and should I implement it?
HTTP Strict Transport Security (also know as HSTS) is a powerful browser and server security mechanism to increase security on […]
Email Comparison: Office 365 vs G Suite vs POP/IMAP
It appears that G Suite and Office 365 offer a set of robust web applications, but can they really replace POP/IMAP? The […]
Testing your website with a local hosts file
A hosts file is used to map hostnames (ie. google.com) to IP addresses (ie. . You can change the IP to […]
How to avoid 508 Resource Limit Reached errors
The ‘508 – Resource Limit is Reached’ error is one that leaves both website owners and people browsing the web […]
The cPanel security plugins you cannot live without
Shared hosting is rife with attempts to break in to websites and exploit vulnerable code. In this article we look […]